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  • Kaitoke Range Complex


The Kaitoke Range Complex has been a part of the Rimutaka Incline recreation area for over 40 years. Located in the Pakuratahi Forest, north of Upper Hutt. The complex features:

  • 200- meter Main range, with target stands at 25, 50, 100 and 200 meters.
  • 25- meter Pistol range, administered by the Kaitoke Pistol Club. For more in formation on pistol shooting at the Kaitoke Range Complex click the link here:
  • 25- meter Bow range. 

As a mixed use sport facility the Kaitoke Range Complex hosts a variety of related sporting organizations (for more information click on the club name):




The Kaitoke Range Complex is registered for use by appropriately trained members of the Hutt Valley NZDA (HVNZDA) and associated shooting and archery clubs. There is no casual public access at any time.


All current HVNZDA members are eligible to use the range after completing the Range Use Induction (RUI) process. For more information, email: hvnzda.range@gmail.com

To obtain range Access you must:

  1. Be a financial member of HVNZDA.
  2. Upload all your firearms details, including a copy of your firearms license to your HVNZDA member profile.
  3. Complete the online safety course: https://forms.gle/Zw4JfrcrgbvvPywa9
  4. Once you have completed the Kaitoke Online Range Safety Course, email the club hvnzda.range@gmail.com to book in for the next available (RUI) Range Use Induction day.  
Range Use Induction (RUI) briefings are held at the Kaitoke range complex. Inductions are held on the last Sunday of every month between 3pm and 4.30pm. Please note, RUI briefings are not held in December. New members must attend induction briefing before a digital access APP key can be issued. 

    Please note, existing members who have been previously given range access can have any problems with their APP Key addressed at the monthly club night. The 3rd Wednesday of the month March to November, at the Maidstone Sports Hub, starting at 7:00PM. Or can come along to the monthly Range Use Induction (RUI). New range access permissions will only be issued at the completion of a Range Use Induction (RUI) session at the Kaitoke Range Complex.

    Range access permissions are updated on the 31st of March every year. If you do not renew your HVNZDA membership before the 31st, you will be required to re-sit the RUI Briefing to regain access to the range.

    How to use range access APP KEY

    The Kaitoke Range Complex is secured by two security gates, both controlled by digital locks. The access system is based on an APP on an authorized members smart phone.  All security gates must remain locked at all times unless authorized by the Range Manager. For more information on using the 'LockVue' system, here's a link to an instruction YouTube video: LOCKVUE


    The range is available to authorized members from 08:30 hrs until dusk, seven days a week, as well as for private bookings by authorized shooting clubs and commercial users. Please check the CLUB CALENDAR for any range bookings when planning your visit.


    • All users must give way to contractors and maintenance work.
    • By using the range, all NZDA Hutt Valley Branch Inc members agree to comply with club rules and current Range Standing Orders.
    • The Kaitoke Range Complex is a smoking & vape free zone.
    • Members accessing the range via the Incline Track must not exceed 20 kph and have their headlights and hazards lights on. Giveaway to all other users.


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